Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Okay, I did it today.

I did exercise this morning. I used the weights and everything. Do you know why I did it? Simply to save myself some embarrassment because of my blog readers. I would have hated to have to post today that I still didn't exercise, so I did. I think maybe I have some kind of problem with motivation? Ya think?

I'll let you all know how tomorrow goes. Maybe I'll use my blog readers to motivate me during the summer break?


  1. Anonymous7:33 PM

    *snickers* I am so glad you were motivated! I opted for a nap. I am already planning my bail out of this whole May Day thing....(shhhh, don't tell anyone!)

    Keep up the good work! ((Hugs))

  2. 1-2-3-4... Get your belly off the floor! :o)

    That's one my dad used to use with us. I have a feeling that he used some different words with the GIS.
