Monday, June 11, 2007

More Fun.

We've been having a lot of fun lately. I think maybe with school being out, we've went a little crazy? We've been to the pool, had a birthday party, went to a graduation party and a semi-pro baseball game (boys only) and today we went to a 'fun park' which had go carts, an arcade, laser tag and mini golf. A local homeschool group got a group deal for reduced prices on all this fun, so we went. It was great. I think that was my first time driving a go-cart. My youngest son was a tiny bit too short to ride on his own, so he had to ride with me. I'm sure he was disappointed, but we still had a good time. I also took a turn at laser tag, which was an experience. Now we really feel like we've been on a vacation without leaving home.

Today is actually the day of my youngest son's birthday. Nine years ago at this time, I was being prepped for a scheduled C-section to deliver a breech position baby we had been told would only weigh 4-5 pounds. He surprised everyone by weighing 8 pounds, 2 ounces! I can't believe it's been 9 years.

Happy birthday Dan!


  1. Happy Birthday!!!

  2. Anonymous1:17 AM

    Happy Birthday!!! I have one turning 8 on the 20th. How quickly time goes by.

    We have not gone to the pool yet. I'm surprised the kids have not asked. We used to live out of town and the pool was not an option often, but now we live a 10 minute walk away.

    The weather is definitely warming up here now, so perhaps the month of July will be spent at the pool.

  3. HaPpY BiRtHdAy, Dan! <:o)
