Monday, June 18, 2007

I've been doing some planning.

I am so glad that Monday is finally here. I had my nose to the grindstone all weekend, working and I'm so glad to have my one day off. Whew. We don't have anything planned for today unless I've forgotten something, so we can stay home and clean this house. Joy. Since the kids have been out of school, I have just let my routines go and you can tell. The house looks a lot worse this week.

Yesterday, when I was waiting for my work to be downloaded or transmitted, I spent a lot of time looking at high school options for my oldest. I really would like him to have a diploma from an accredited school.* I narrowed it down to 2. Penn Foster and North American Regional School (NARS). I decided, after a great deal of personal anguish (because making decisions is difficult!), to go with Penn Foster because all the books are included. I discussed this with him and he said he wanted NARS because then I would be planning his work and it wouldn't be boring. That is really a great compliment coming from my 14-year-old but I think all that work of planning everything kind of scares me. Not to mention that it will cost somewhat more, because we'll have to buy the books, etc. I'm going to check and see if Penn Foster has a money back guarantee/ trial period or something.

(* Why do I want an accredited diploma? I don't know. I can just picture our family and friends saying 'well, they just printed his diploma out on the computer. Anyone could do that. Lookie there, I've got my Ph.D." I know that I would make sure that the child was educated thoroughly before I printed it out. In fact, he'd probably be better prepared because I would feel so insecure, that I'd make him do twice the work and he probably wouldn't graduate until he was 20! Overall, I just think letting someone else decide when he's done is probably better.)

For the younger 2, I'm going to put something together with the things I already have and things I've downloaded from the internet (love the homeschool estore).

I already have the complete KONOs collection, History Scribe, Christian Cottage (for the western hemisphere) and Mammoth Math. I already have grammar and handwriting books. There's a free download of Study Dog available now which I've downloaded for my youngest. Here's the link if anyone is interested.

Now my only problem is getting this all organized. That is not my strong point so wish me luck!


  1. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Hey, good luck with all that organizing! Sounds like you have quite a full plate. How have they been taking to home learning?

  2. They love being homeschooled. They do not want to go back to public school. Of course, they never want to actually do their schoolwork either ...

  3. Anonymous1:10 AM

    I have the same concerns as you for my daughter who is going into high school also!I am going to go to the college she wants to go to and talk to admissions. I know that I am much tougher than the public school teachers!!!

    Good luck!!

  4. Anonymous1:29 PM

    I was homeschooled, and I am not attendting penn foster for the HVAC program. So far I haven't had any problems.

    check out my blog about it,
