Monday, June 04, 2007

End of year party/ Motivation.

Our homeschool group is having the end of year party today. Hopefully it won't rain! They are planning a mid day outdoor party and cookout. I'm looking forward it and the kids are way excited.

You know how I was worried that with the kids out of school for the summer, I wouldn't do my exercise, house cleaning list? Well, so far, my worries have come true. I haven't exercised for 3 days! I have to figure out how to get my motivation back! I'm going to start the kids on their 4 item easy summer lists tomorrow morning and maybe that will give me the incentive I need to get going again!

1 comment:

  1. Get in the pool with the kids! water aerobics! That would make exercise more fun! Or would it... Hmm...
