Sunday, June 24, 2007

The crazy things I say.

I've got my tongue twisted twice today and said 2 really silly things.

This morning my husband's cell phone rang. I figured it was his friend Shane and figured he'd call back on the house phone in a few minutes. I told my oldest son, "If the phone rings in a minute, answer it and tell Slane your Dad's a sheep." (supposed to be 'tell Shane your Dad's asleep.')

Then later on, my daughter and I were dosing Mom and Dad's cats with flea and tick preventive drops. Someone asked me what I had in my hand and I said "Tea and flick medicine."

1 comment:

  1. Menopause isn't sneaking up on you is it? I can't tell you how often I do this simply for the fact that my memory is roughly the size of a gnat now too! LOL
