Friday, June 15, 2007

Between Times.

In between times I have to be somewhere this week, I've been reading this book. Very interesting looking isn't it? It's good so far. I've been carrying it with me everywhere I go and when I get a minute, I read.

I'm also still trying to decide what to do with the kids this fall. I'd really like my oldest to be in an accredited high school diploma program so I've been shopping around for that. I've about decided from everything I've been reading that my youngest is a visual spatial learner and I'm trying to find ways to teach him that will make it easier for him. He needs to pick up his reading speed/fluency and work on his handwriting.

For my daughter, I'm not sure what direction to go. This would be a good year to do some really fun things with her, but what?

I'm also thinking of some different ways to organize it all so that at the end of the year we have better records of what we did. My record keeping was horrible this year.

Anyway, that's what I'm doing in between the Mom's taxi trips. I am going to exercise today! Maybe I need to get an exercise CD for the van, since I'm always in it.

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't all the running around count as exercise? Please tell me it does!
