Thursday, May 31, 2007

School's out for the summer!

We're done! Yay! It feels very good to be finished. I've been working on planning next year a little now that the summer plan is done. I know one thing for sure, there's going to be a lot of math next year. Our lists are going to look something like

1. Math.
2. Math.
3. Math.
4. Reading.
5. Spelling.
6. Writing.
7. Grammar.
8. Art.

LoL. Just kidding, kind of. There is going to be an emphasis on math next year because a couple of us are a little behind in that area.

Anyway, for now, we're done!!!


  1. Yippee! School's out, school's out, teacher let the monkeys out!

    Have fun monkeys!!!

  2. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Hi--how do your children feel about that idea? Enjoy the time you all!

  3. I'm not sure how they are going to feel about the math, but the older 2 are a little bit behind. They both came out of public school a bit behind with some large gaps in their learning and we haven't managed to get them all filled in yet. We really need to work on it. I've been in search of math games on the internet, which I'll share in my next post.

  4. Your list looks a lot like mine! LOL

    Except for art. The Kid hates art. Sigh.
