Friday, May 18, 2007

Playing Hard To Get.

Our Dog, Max, plays hard to get with his food. It's funny to watch. He's a stealth eater. Unless we're hand feeding him a treat or something, he seems to want to make us believe that he never eats. We hardly ever see him actually eating and if we do, he looks guilty. Every morning, I get up and put him outside and while he's out, I put his food in his bowl. (He's on Pedigree now, since the dog food recall a few months back.) When I open the door to let him back in, he's all excited and runs as fast as he can to the kitchen, to his bowl, and sniffs it. Then he walks away as if to say he's not interested in it at all. Then I usally get my coffee and head to the computer to start my work download. He follows me and lays down behind my chair. At some point within the next couple of hours, he'll sneak in there and eat it. He's so silly.