Monday, May 28, 2007

Only 4 more days of school!

We're going to hurry and do the Canada part of our unit study and then we are going to be done. I'll still do reading aloud in the summer. I'm going to try to find some good books about Canada to read. Each child will have a few things they need to do each day. I'm thinking I'll give them 1 chore, exercise and something like their math cd, geography cd, spanish cd, Starfall (for the youngest), reading and science DVDs, educational games etc. I haven't come up with the lists yet. We'll be doing the library summer reading program and going swimming a couple of times a week. We've got a tent now, so we're going to have to go camping at least 1 night. Right now, I'm enjoying just the thought of the lazy days of summer. Of course, I'll still have my job, but I'll try to get up kind of early and get my work done so we can have our afternoons free.

Ahh, summer.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Hi HSH--I find your thinking about how to structure your children's time fascinating. Love reading your posts. I know how you feel about the lazy, hazy days of summer--nice to just feel them.

    Thanks for sharing your insights!
