Monday, May 07, 2007

It's still Monday.

We still haven't made those homemade tortillas for our Mexico study, but in the spirit of education today, we went to a Mexican restaurant in our town. It was very good. For dessert, we had fried ice cream. I'm not sure how much of an authentic Mexican dish that is, but it was very tasty.

After the restaurant, we went to Walmart and youngest son lost his prized watch there, somewhere in one of the aisles. We retraced our steps looking for it, but had no luck. He's pretty sad about it. I left our name and phone number with customer service in case someone turns it in. When something like this happens, I want to rush out and buy a new one, but what will the child learn from that? I want him to learn to be careful with a watch and not keep taking it on and off all the time ... but if I bought him a new one, maybe he'd think that I'd just replace all his possessions if he loses them so why be careful? I never know what to do.

Later on this afternoon I went to my parents house. Around 8:00 pm, we headed for home. I told oldest son I wanted to go home and watch Dancing With The Stars and he said "Does that come on every night?" No smarty pants, only twice a week.

Even later on, while I was watching Dancing With The Stars, Max, the dog gave me a fright. He was sitting behind my chair, waiting quietly for half an hour or so, then jumped up and barked. I was so startled I actually screamed. Hopefully, I've got a strong heart.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the watch!

    Maybe Max didn't like DWTS? LOL
