Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Greetings from La-La-Land.

I almost titled this post Tuesday, Tuesday because of my Monday, Monday post but then I realized that it was Wednesday. I'm kind of spacey, apparently. (You think?) But, anyway, here goes.

The Carnival of Homeschooling is up. I enjoy reading these. I read them every week. I like hearing what other homeschooling bloggers have to say.

I finished my chores/exercise list today, barely in time. In my continuing struggle to get things done and motivate myself, I've decided that instead of an afternoon list and a morning list, to put almost everything in the morning and extend my deadline from 11:00 to 12:00 noon. I found that I was just ignoring my afternoon lists because apparently, the only thing that motivates me is the fact that if I don't do my list, the kids don't have to do school that day. Nothing else motivates me to exercise, etc. on a daily basis. I'm worried I may lose my momentum this summer and not do anything and lose the benefits that I've gotten from working out these past few months. I hope not.

I don't know if I mentioned, but our TV reception went out. We think that the antenna signal booster quit working and we don't have any TV reception at all. We haven't fixed it. My husband and I are toying with the idea of going TV free for a while. We've made it a week or so now. I've gone cold turkey on Dancing with the Stars but I did sneak to my parents house last week and record Ugly Betty and Grey's Anatomy. A girl's gotta have some fun, right?


  1. Well if you decide to stay TV free but don't think you can do without Grey's you can always, depending on your internet connection, watch episodes online when you have time.

  2. I wish I could, but my internet connection is too slow. Thankfully, my parents have cable. ;-)

  3. Anonymous1:08 AM

    We have had no tv reception for 4? years now. It is a blessing. We do watch movies, so who says you can't have your parents tape the shows you like and watch them on your quiet time at night. I bet your kids become very creative in the absence of the tube!

    I will send you the questions for the interview that I made up. I didn't see your response until just now. No toenails, I promise!

  4. TV free? Hmm...

    I don't think The Man or The Kid would like it. Me? I'd be going to mom's to watch Grey's too! LOL
