Friday, May 11, 2007

Go Gets.

My oldest son got a couple of new decks of cards a couple of days ago. This has led to a lot of card games being played around here. The other day, they decided to make it a little more interesting with their own form of bets. They started playing "I Doubt It" with the winner receiving "Go Gets" from the losers. That means, when he wants a sandwich or a drink or if he left his backpack in the car, they have to 'go get' it for him. Clever, eh? My oldest son won't have to get himself anything for a week. He has servants now. Maybe I should start playing cards with them. I would like some tea about now. ;-)


  1. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Can I play too? I am trying to decide if I want to introduce this idea to my kids. My teen boys would probably take advantage of their little sisters!!

  2. Yeah, too much knowledge might be a bad thing in the hands of teenage boys!
