Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Finishing South America and other stuff.

We're working on finishing our study of South America. That Sheppard's Software
web site has been great. The 2 older kids know the South American map backwards and forwards. The youngest is getting there. I've even gotten pretty good at it.

Yesterday, my daughter said that homeschooling was like having an endless campout. I'm not sure what that means, but I guess it's positive feedback?

We've been fighting the battle of the video games and screen time again this week. It's not that much of a problem with the girl, but the boys want to play video games ALL the time. I mean all the time. I set limits on how much they could play each day, then they weren't taking turns all that well, so now I've set a schedule. If they happen to not be home during their scheduled screen time, they don't get to make it up. They still have too much time on the screen and they still seem to focus their lives around that %^&*( GameCube and (*&^%^% X-Box 360. I am bone-tired and weary of this fight. Anyone have advice?

The carnival of homeschooling is up, at Dewey's Treehouse.


  1. How about only allowing game time a couple of times a week? Maybe their need to play will dwindle?

  2. Good luck! My son is such a game fanatic. He's actually been grounded from anything electronic (other than tv & now & then his Gameboy) for more than a week. Not sure when I'll allow him to have things back. Recently though I've been pretty good at only allowing him so much time. My daughter on the other hand wants to be on the pc from the time she wakes until bed time. *sigh*
