Thursday, April 05, 2007

Spring Break/Easter Break

We decided to take a short Easter/Spring break, just Thursday, Friday and the weekend. We'll all be fresh as a daisy and ready to start back Monday, I'm sure. (LoL!) Anyway, hopefully with just a 4-day-weekend, we won't get so badly off track as we do everytime we take a break of a week or more. We've got Easter this week and my parents anniversary party and a birthday party and a housewarming party next weekend. Come to think of it, we may take next week off too!


  1. Enjoy your break, and have a blessed Easter! *Hugs-a-bunch*

  2. Have a great break! We were going to have a "spring break" as well.. but the weather took a turn for the worse. From 80 down to 40. YUCK!!

  3. I hope you enjoy your break!
