Sunday, April 22, 2007

I'm much too young to feel this, um old.

I had my birthday this weekend. When you get to middle age, they get kind of bittersweet. I mean, I enjoy the eating out, the gifts, the cards, etc. but its hard not to feel a little anxious about the passing of time and the feeling that I'm not accomplishing what I want to do with my life. Oh well. I guess I'll just go shopping and try not to think about it. Retail therapy. It actually works pretty well most of the time.

We're going on a field trip today for school today, to an alpaca farm. Can you believe that there are alpaca farms in Kentucky? I wish I could take credit for arranging this cool trip during our South America study, but someone in our homeschool group arranged it. It'll be cool and I think I'll do some shopping on the way home.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday!

    Retail therapy works for me too! LOL

    Sounds like a fun field trip. Let us know how it turns out!
