Thursday, April 19, 2007

A Game.

The two younger kids have made up a game. It's called Spelling Baseball. First they throw the ball up and hit it, then they run to first base. If they can spell a word (called out by whomever they can get to do it for them), they get to go to second base. They have to spell a word on each base and if they do, they get a home run. If they don't spell it right, they're out. I think this is a very clever game. It combines exercise, playing outside in the sunshine and spelling. How cool is that?

The carnival of homeschooling for this week is up

The free product of the week at the homeschool estore is a Respected American Women Lapbook.


  1. How wonderful! I think that sounds like a fabulous game. Very smart kids you have there! :)

  2. Wow! Gotta figure out a way to market that one.
