Monday, March 19, 2007

Update for today.

I decided to do a little more than just drink coffee today and did some cleaning and exercised twice, once for my routine and once with youngest son when he was doing his school list. I helped him get his list done today with no whining. Then, I made a loaf of potato bread our new bread machine and made spaghetti to go with it. Then, the kids and I, along with grandma, went to the mall for some shopping. AND, I finally made the second of the 3 phone calls I was going to make last week, a major accomplishment! Now I'm going to relax for a while and then I'm going to watch Dancing with the Stars tonight. I sure do enjoy having the day off work. As I've mentioned before, I love Mondays. ;-)


  1. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Congrats on making those "dreaded phone calls"!!! I am so proud of you!!!
    How old is your youngest son? I am glad at least for today he didn't whine. We had fun today wiht learning about the 10 plagues God sent on the Pharoah and other various stuff. Not very structured...but that's okay.
    I love your blogs and your family...and thanks for making me feel "normal"!!
    Keep up the great routine on working out....did you measure before you started...Not Weighing, but true measuring???? You would really notice a difference if you do!!

  2. Hi Perri!

    Youngest son is 8 and very spoiled because he's the baby, I guess. He's just not ready to do his list alone so I did it with him yesterday and it worked.

    On the exercise, I didn't measure, but I have lost a few pounds.

    Thanks for reading and commenting!

  3. You made the second call? *WooHoo*

    You said you helped him with his list with no whining? Which one of you was good? *Grin*

    Wasn't Billy Ray Cyrus just the saddest cha-cha-cha-er you've ever seen? :o(

  4. Neither one of us whined! It's a miracle!!

    Poor Billy Ray. He'll get better. I blame his coach. ;-)
