Saturday, March 31, 2007

Talking with my daughter.

I had a discussion with my daughter about schoolwork yesterday. I told her she needed to get started on her schoolwork and she said, "Actually, I don't have any schoolwork. I have a ton of homework, but no schoolwork, since I don't go to a school". True. I guess we could call it homeschool work. That led to a discussion of her public school experience. She was the only child who was seemed reluctant to leave public school. Older son liked the idea and younger son was overjoyed, but she seemed hesitant about it. We had to promise to let her go back if she wanted, after 1 year of homeschooling. But, today, she was talking about school, especially the 3rd/4th grade split class she was in and she surprised me by saying "I hated it!! They didn't tell us how to do anything. They just gave us papers and said 'hurry up, you've got 10 minutes!' We didn't have time to do it so we had to bring it home." Then she made my day by saying "You actually teach me."

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