Thursday, March 15, 2007

Not a Caller.

I hate to make phone calls, especially business calls. I will procrastinate about making 1 little phone call for WEEKS. It's crazy. Yesterday, I had 3 phone calls I needed to make, which is really a bad day for me. I made one of them. The plan was to call early but I didn't. I waited until almost close of business before calling. Once I get on the phone, I don't stutter or anything. I'm not sure why I hate talking on the phone so much, but I found out today I'm not alone. I typed in "Phone Phobia" on Google and got over a million hits. That helps a little to know I'm not the only one who does this, but I'm still procrastinating about 2 calls here, so it doesn't help much. I tell people all the time, that I'm not a caller. I'd much rather you call me or we communicate by email. Otherwise, you probably won't be hearing from me for a few weeks (or months!).


  1. I hate making phone calls, too. So does Hubby, and for some reason, I'm always stuck making calls for him, too.

  2. I hate being the caller, but, since Jack hates it even worse, I am the designated dialer. The problem is I get a nervous twitter. No matter how I try not to, I twitter. *Sigh*

    Did you ever make the other two calls?

  3. Not yet! Maybe around 4:30 today!

    Or next week. :-(
