Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Max saves the day.

Max is our dog. We always kind of wanted a house dog but we're not good at training puppies. So last year, I saw a note on a homeschooling group about a dog who needed a home, who was already housetrained. We decided to give it a try and we brought Max home. He's just the best dog. He does get a little crazy now and then, running back and forth, back and forth and jumping on the bed and waking DH up, but mostly, he's good.

Today, I was having computer problems with my job. One of the reports I was trying to type got locked up and I was trying to reboot the computer to hopefully resolve the problem. My laptop is very tricky to reboot because it almost always can't recognize the mouse, the footpedal or the extra keyboard I use with it when it starts back up. While I was waiting for it to reboot, I went into the kitchen and loaded and started the dishwasher.

I came back to the bedroom to grouch at the computer some more and Max started barking. I told him to be quiet a couple of times and he didn't. (The kids were outside playing during this and I figured he'd seen them through the glass doors or something.) He kept barking and I finally got up to see what it was that he was barking at. Bless his little heart, he was barking because the dishwasher was overflowing. I was able to stop it and mop it up without much trouble.

He has now earned his title: World's Best Dog.

He got an extra treat today.


  1. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Wow...what an awesome dog Max is!! Post us a picture!!!
    I am glad that you gave him an extra treat.

    I love your blogs and all the wonderful information you post for us all. How do you find all that great stuff???
    I could spend months just surfing for stuff!!! It sure is fun!!
    Thanks for all you do!!!

  2. Good boy, Max! *Yay!*

  3. Way to go, Max!

  4. Good dog, Max! What a good puppy!! :skritch behind the ears:
