Monday, March 05, 2007

Big foot.

Big foot has made an appearance at our home this week, not really, but one of our children has acquired that nickname! Youngest son. He loves it, really. I took him to the store the other night to get new shoes because the size 13 shoes he was wearing were tearing up and the lining was coming out. He did not ever mention that they felt tight or that his feet hurt. We started trying on shoes with a size 1, figuring he'd probably grown, but the 1s wouldn't fit, nor did the 1 1/2s or the 2s or the 2 1/2s. He finally came home proudly wearing a 3, the same size as his 10 year old sister!


  1. Emily is in a size 13 womens! We had to buy them online! *EEP*
