Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Have you all been hearing the whining today? It's been so loud and long here, that it seems the whole world must be able to hear it. Youngest son. Again. He doesn't want any deadlines on his schoolwork. He wants to be able to just do it whenever he wants.


I just don't think that would work. The good news is that despite the whining, he's doing really well in all of his subjects and his reading is really coming along, finally. The (free printable) Tommy Tales books have been really good for him. They are interesting enough to keep his attention and short enough that he doesn't get overwhelmed. The one he read today was about the ocean, so it went with our unit, which was a plus.

The kids are painting some really cool pictures of sea turtles today, an idea I got from this website. Elementary Art.


  1. Anonymous5:27 PM

    My two are always whining!! I am ready to duct tape their mouths shut!!
    Thanks so much for the wonderful websites. I downloaded a Tommy book for my son to try tomorrow.
    Wow and it's all free!!!
    Love the art lessons, considering I haven't done art yet, it will hopefully give me some incentive.
    Thanks again!

  2. So that's what I heard...
