Thursday, February 01, 2007

Happy New Month!

One of my kids greeted me this way this morning, so I thought it was a good blog post title today. It snowed a tiny bit today and I toyed with the idea of giving them a snow day but then I figured with the little bit of snow, they'd play in it for 5 minutes and then want to watch TV and play video games all day, so I decided not to go that route. We're doing school today. I'm not sure if the county schools in our area are closed or not. I kind of enjoy not having to check that (especially since I had to get up around 6:15 a.m to find out if there was school and if I needed to wake the kids up!) Anyway, we're doing school and work as usual around here.

Free internet resource for today:

Reason I'm glad we're homeschooling for today: When the dog goes outside and steps in cat poop that the cat has not buried properly because the ground is frozen, my daughter is home and can give the dog a bath. How's that for a reason? Sure, it cost me financially, but I don't have to give the dog his bath. Priceless.


  1. Anonymous9:04 PM

    What does she charge to bath a dog?
    Willing to hire, if she can come to Florida!!!
    LOve your blogs and you!!!!

  2. Her dog bathing services are a bargain at 2 dollars. When do you want us to come to Florida?!
