Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Various things.

The Carnival of Homeschooling is up. Here it is.
http:// I'm still in the process of reading it. It takes a couple of days for me to get through all of it.

The homeschool estore has free pioneer notebooking pages up to download. These would be good if you are studying that time period. http://

We're still plugging along slowly on our oceans unit. The kids had eye exams yesterday and when we went to pick up oldest son's glasses, we went out to eat at a seafood restaurant. Hey, we're learning about sea creatures, might as well eat some of them, right? I wasn't sure how much the kids would like it and would eat, since we don't eat seafood much. Older son liked everything, youngest liked the shrimp and fries and daughter liked the fries only. I probably could have predicted that if I'd given it any thought. That's pretty typical for them. We are also reading a book about the discovery of the coelacanth which is pretty cool.

I found a good site for ocean crafts.

I'm thinking of adding a reason I am glad we're homeschooling to the bottom of each post or maybe once a week.

Today's reason: I would have had to get doctor's notes for the eye doctor appointment yesterday and the kids would have gotten behind and had tons of work to make up. We would have missed that fun seafood dinner (because they wouldn't all be studying the same subject in school and I wouldn't be their teacher!) with my daughter saying "EW!" every 5 seconds!


  1. The kids and I love trying new restaurants. Jack says his favorite is chinese. The place we go to has a buffet, and he always gets the french fries, pizza, and chicken strips.

  2. I love the idea of today's reason! I find our main reason changes every year! But this would be a way to appreciate homeschooling on a daily basis! I like this ALOT!

  3. Seafood? Ew! *Grin*

  4. Lol on Jacks "chinese" food favorites!
