Sunday, January 28, 2007

Hungry anyone?

This is a hot dog, cut to look as if it has 8 tentacles like an octopus. Not very appetizing, is it? This is what the kids had for lunch today. This was a suggestion in one of the units I'm combining into the ocean unit (not sure which one!) but I've been planning to do it all week and hadn't gotten around to it. It was pretty gross looking but tasted good. We haven't got the courage to try real octopus!


  1. LOL!! I fix these for my kids often...I too got the idea from an ocean unit study. There's actually a contraption called an "Octodog" that slices the tentacles and pokes eyes in the hotdog. You're right though...not very appetizing to us adults!! Thanks for sharing!!

  2. We made ketchup eyes, but not on this one because youngest son doesn't like ketchup!

  3. Yum, I'll take an octopus hotdog over real octopus any day. This midwesterner can't handle things with tentacles. Hee, hee.

  4. LOL! I'll have to make those for Jack sometime.

  5. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Oh, now my kids are too old for this type of thing. They would have loved it. I'll have to remember it for the grandkids.

    What about sauerkraut dyed green with food color for the seaweed. Ew.

    It really does just about make me sick to look at it.

    Tammy (from homeschool comments on the fly)

  6. Awesome idea! I remember doing something with hotdogs when Emily was in K. I don't remember exactly what the something was though...*LOL*
