Monday, January 22, 2007

Field Trip!

We're going on a field trip today with the homeschool group. We're going to city hall, the police department and the fire department. Hopefully it will be educational and fun. I was the one to arrange it. All of the moms are supposed to take turns arranging field trips and it was finally my turn. My goals were to make it local and cheap. I called tons of places in our small town, but only had one "yes" and that was from city hall. Everyplace else I called either couldn't get us in for a couple of months or not at all. I'll report how it goes.


  1. Anonymous1:23 PM

    I'm finding that field trips are a great way to beat the winter blahs and keep momentum up. We just bought a pass to the local science museum which will also get us into a half dozen other venues in the state for free.
    Hope your field trip is worthwhile!

  2. Wow!Big Day! I too am beginning to have more appreciation for Field trips! I use to resent them as time away from what I really wanted to accomplish with a school day. Now I understand that boys do so well with knowing after doing. Better than any book activity.

  3. Future voters, eh? ;o)
