Monday, December 11, 2006

That same old Monday dilemma.

School or no school today? I'm supposed to go with my mom to get her shopping done, but I'm debating whether to make the kids do at least some schoolwork before we go. If we do Mondays, we finish school on May 18. If no Mondays, June 15. It wouldn't actually be the end of the world if we had to "do school" most of the summer, really, at least for me. I'm not sure what to do.

I'm so glad to have my blog back though. I think probably it was my fault. I've been blaming blogger all weekend, but I think maybe, when I was trying to add something else, I accidently deleted half of the blog template. Whoops!


  1. Glad that you are not in the land of permanent deletion! *LOL*

    I really like the new template! The colors are great! *Smile*

  2. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Glad you are back. I missed you!!!

  3. Anonymous9:01 PM

    I am new but it seems to me you take Mondays away and you postpone the inevitable! Now Tuesdays are your Mondays!

  4. True!

    We have decided to do half days on Monday for a while. Sometimes that is my only day off work for 2 weeks and I work at home and I just don't want to stay home and do school! I want to go someplace!
