Sunday, December 24, 2006

Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas from our house to yours ... This is Max, wearing his new Christmas jacket and wishing you a happy holiday. (I'm sure that's what he's thinking.)

Here's a report on how our holiday has gone so far. Yesterday, we went to see the movie "Night at the Museum" which is excellent and I highly recommend it. It is rated PG because of 1 bad word, but it is very cute and funny.

This morning, we watched the weather report and it said that there might be snow on the day after Christmas. The 8-year-old said "Finally, we're going to get the snow we deserve."

Yesterday, same son couldn't find his shoes when we were ready to go to the movies. I tried to talk him into wearing his sister's old shoes are only a size too big, light blue and white athletic shoes. He said they were "girlie". I said that they were blue and white and nobody would think they looked girlie. He said "If they've ever been worn by a girl, they are girlie." I guess it has girl cooties on it from then on. Who knew?

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday!


  1. Night at the Museum is just the perfect family movie .. funny but never crude, and smart enough for the grown folks to enjoy .. I saw it Friday afternoon in a theater full of younguns, and they all seemed to love it

  2. That face! LOVE it! *Smile*
