Friday, December 08, 2006

Friday, December 8, 2006.

I never know what to put as a title on my posts, so often I just want to put the day of the week or the date. Usually, I think and think and try to come up with an appropriate title, but today, I'm just putting the date. It's Friday. There's not a whole lot going on. I'm going to do some online Christmas shopping before the kids get up and then I am going to work and then possibly go to the grocery. Exciting, huh? One of my children is grounded at the present time for excessive whining during school hours. Youngest son, of course. I think he just can't believe that being cute won't get him out of doing school. He's grounded until he gets through today's school work. If he doesn't do today's school work by 3:00 p.m., he's grounded for the whole weekend. I was proud of him last night. We went to my mom and dad's house and they have cable TV (we don't) and youngest son went into the playroom to play where he wouldn't be tempted to watch TV, since he was grounded. I thought he was pretty mature about it.

I guess I'll get started now. Have a good day, ya'll.

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