Friday, December 01, 2006

December is here!

Can you believe it? I can't. We're going to a Christmas party with the homeschool group today and the kids are very excited about that. I'm glad because I don't have to do any school with them. Isn't that shameful? I have not been able to get motivated to do any of the Konos activities and we have been just doing the basics for a couple of months. I'm thinking of doing a Christmas around the world study this month to incorporate the holidays and the geography that we are supposed to be studying.

Part of the reason I have not been motivated is that our China adoption fell through. We are not going to be able to adopt from China because they changed the requirements for adoptive families between the time we applied in March and now, so I've been pretty depressed over that. It's hard to get enthusiastic about school when you're depressed about something else. Its as simple as that. I'm sure I'll pull out of it and I am getting excited about Christmas so that's a good sign.

Now if I can get over the backache from picking up trash on the highway and stop walking like that old lady character on laugh-in ... I'll be just fine.


  1. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Rosie has asked for the whole month of December as a holiday! *LOL*

    So sorry that the adoption fell through... It doesn't seem right that those adopting families that were approved before the changes should now be back to square one... *Hugs-a-bunch*

  2. I am so sorry to hear about the adoption falling through! (hugs)

  3. Thanks ya'll. I'm sorry it fell through too.
