Wednesday, December 06, 2006

A couple of things.

The Carnival of Homeschooling is up. I always enjoy reading these. Here it is.

I've been enjoying getting downloads from The Homeschool E-Store. Right now they are giving away free Christmas notebooking pages to download and print.

I'm hoping to actually do some of the Christmas unit today. My motivation for doing that part of school has been nonexistant. Sigh. At least the basics are getting done, right? Last night our library had a trim the tree party, so fortunately, other people are helping me deal with my lack of creativity and enthusiasm this year. The kids had fun anyway, and we came home with about 10 new ornaments.


  1. Anonymous6:13 PM

    10!? *Wow*

  2. Yeah, my older son didn't make any but the younger 2 kids got to make 5 each and it is all free. They made a clothespin reindeer, a bell from a cup, a foam stocking, a foam mitten and a Scottie dog ornament. It's a pretty good activity. We go every year.
