Monday, December 04, 2006

Christmas Shopping.

I went Christmas shopping today. All by myself. I went to a bunch of stores and came out with most of what I had planned to buy today, but whew, I don't think I want to do that again for a long time. I'm very much in favor of on-line shopping. It is so much easier, quicker and less tiring for the feet. I did enjoy getting to play whatever music I wanted to on my new CD player in the van and not having to listen to the chipmunks Christmas song, not even once! I'm going to turn on some nice music here in my office tomorrow, sip some hot chocolate and get on-line and finish my shopping. No more fighting the crowds for me.


  1. Anonymous6:00 PM

    But did you get to listen to Holly Jolly Christmas? *Smile*

    Here's to you and mommy time! *Applause*

  2. I like to choose my own Christmas tunes and I just LOVE cyber-shopping! Nothing beats avoiding the crowds this time of year.

  3. I am also very comfortable with online shopping. Its far better in many ways. Peep into this amazing Holiday Blog for some unique ideas on shopping and gifts.
