Friday, November 17, 2006

Remotes and Temper Fits.

Why do they make TVs that can only be operated with the remote control? Do the manufacturers assume (wrongly) that we will never lose the remote? Last night, when my favorite show came on (Grey's Anatomy), my DH had the TV in the living room set to record and it could not be changed off the channel he was recording no matter what we tried, and we tried everything. So, I went into my oldest son's room where he has a TV. Of course it was on video mode. Someone had changed it to video mode and lost the remote. So mama had a little temper fit and threatened to ground everyone in the house including Dad if they couldn't find the darn remote. They did find it so no one is grounded. Maybe mom should be for having a temper fit in front of the kids!

Still, it is the television manufacturers that are to blame here. Why would they make a TV that could not be switched from video mode to TV mode without the remote? Every function that is on the remote needs to be on the TV as well. I might just have to write them a letter ....

Sorry, now back to our regularly scheduled work and school. I need to get started on my morning exercise routine right away!


  1. Anonymous9:50 AM

    It's not just tv's, it's also vcr's and dvd players! And you still can't do everything (like program the sound control thing on our surround sound dvd player) with those universal remotes you can buy to replace the one that got lost!

  2. Anonymous10:19 AM


  3. I posted about this as wee]ll, there is just something wrong with my kids being able to figure it out, and not me!
