Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Last day before the holiday weekend.

The public school kids are out tomorrow so we are going to be too. The younger 2 kids are going to a holiday craft party for about 3 hours and that will probably be enough 'school' for them. That's probably about what the public schoolers would do if they were in tomorrow, make crafts and watch a Thanksgiving movie. I talked to a public school teacher lsdy night and she said that they were going to watch Rugrat's Thanksgiving today. So educational, LoL.

I did make the kids do a turkey craft. Yesterday I told them to and my oldest son made one out of atollo blocks, my daughter drew a handprint turkey and youngest son also made a handprint turkey. I told them that those were kind of weak efforts and they should try again, so today my oldest made one of wooden blocks, my youngest son made one of legos and my daughter made one of playdough. I got nothing to decorate the center of the Thanksgiving table with, but they had fun with it anyway.


  1. Anonymous7:23 AM

    A holiday craft party sounds like fun! *Grin*

    Happy Thanksgiving! *Squish*

  2. Anonymous8:50 AM

    The craft party sounds like lots of fun! Maybe they'll come home with a centerpiece from there?

  3. That's true, maybe the girl will because she's the only one who ended up going. The boys decided that it probably wouldn't be fun for them.
