Saturday, November 25, 2006

Holiday Mode.

We're having our second Thanksgiving dinner today. (We divided them up so my DH could spend the night in the Best Buy parking lot on Thanksgiving night!) We are officially in holiday mode around here. The kids couldn't get the big Christmas tree up so they put up a tiny one we have and hung the stockings in the window with care, LoL. We don't have a fireplace so they hang on the window locks. It works. ;-) Of course it's quite a few days before the big guy fills those up, but meanwhile, they make nice window decorations.


  1. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Is hubby still in the parking lot? *Chuckle*

    The window deco sounds awesome! :o)

  2. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Was Hubby able to get what he wanted at Best Buy?

    I never thought of hanging the stockings in the window, ours get tacked to the wall. lol

  3. Yes he did get what he wanted at Best Buy and he's home now. I can't mention what he bought, though. ;-)
