Monday, October 30, 2006

The Monday Dilemma.

I happened to mention a few weeks ago that we might not do school on Mondays, that it wouldn't matter if we did them or not, we'd still finish school in June. The kids have latched onto that and now feel that they should never have to do school on Mondays. I, on the other hand, feel guilty for taking a long fall break and feel like we should be doing a lot of school now to make up for it. I also tend to make doctor's appointments and other appointments on Mondays, so they are frequently disrupted. Today, for example, I had to go to an appointment so Dad was home with the kids who were telling him that we don't do school on Mondays ... he made them do it anyway and I'm glad. That helps me feel less bad about that long fall break.


  1. Anonymous5:34 PM

    I always feel like I am behind. It'll be November in two days and I feel like it's time to really "buckle down". I'm not sure where that feeling comes from!

    I started a new system to keep track of what we do that was supposed to start today -- but my dh got laid off from work and wanted to gut the basement this afternoon, so now we will have to do what we can of school after dinner.

    It's always something I tell ya!


  2. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Our Mondays are always booked as well. Hang in there! *Smile*
