Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Lost Posts.

About 5 times this week, when we've been in the middle of doing something, something funny or cool has happened and I have thought that I'd put it on my blog, but by the time I actually have time to sit down here, it's gone - not only from my mind but from the minds of my children as well. I can't blame this on old age if the kids are forgetting it too, can I? I'm going to have to start walking around with a pen and paper in my pocket. (I don't have a PDA.)

Meanwhile, we're still organizing and cleaning and working at medical transcription and not doing school, although youngest son has voluntarily been working on his reading all week and doing well we won't mention that so as not to jinx it. Shhh.

Anyway, sorry about the lost posts. I'm sure you would have enjoyed reading them, but they are lost somewhere in the vastness of our great minds, LoL.

Yesterday, I did get some wonderful news, the library found the 7 books that they said that I had not returned and I was going to have to pay for. Turns out it was their error and not mine and I am overjoyed. Now I can check out books again!


  1. Don't cha'just hate it when you feel like you can't go to the Library? I always feel I should hang my head in shame, when I have fines!!!

  2. Anonymous8:39 PM

    I am so glad it was the library and not you. If you are like me....I would never misplace a library book....even the kids are ..should I say it...FANATICS about it. Dylan always can't believe it when someone has written or torn a page!! We always fix the ripped or torn pages. My library did the same thing to me, but it was only ONE book, not 7!! I also don't have a PDA, I have a notebook that says on the cover "Bunny's Brain" :). Though I am forever looking for it!! LOL!!'
    I love your posts, where short and sweet or long and full of info. I just love your family!! I am also glad to see that it's not just me that sometimes has a week or two, or three with no schooling! You make me feel so good!!
    Sorry for the long reply...I do think you are awesome!!

  3. Oh, I almost always have fines! I'm a big supporter of the library. I check things out sometimes for my Dad and my aunt and a lot of times we don't get them back on time.

    Thanks for all the kind words. I do try to put the good and the bad on my blog so other moms can know that we all struggle and we are all struggling together, but it's worth it!

  4. oh yes, likewise...The maximum fine for late video rentals is $10.00. Paid it so many times, that I am sure that is why they can remember my name!

  5. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Lost and found, eh? All in one post too! Glad to hear that you can once more return to the library! *Grin*

  6. Anonymous9:06 AM

    So, I'm not the only one who comes across things all day to blog, but then can't even remember the least little thing when I sit down at the computer!

    I'm so glad that the library found the books! Which reminds me, we need to go to the library on my next day off, I think we have some books to return.
