Wednesday, October 04, 2006


I've been working hard at my job and at decluttering for the last couple of days. Today we worked hard on homeschooling. The trouble is, when I'm working on one thing, I feel like I'm slacking on something else. I've been slacking on the adoption dossier and my Cafepress store this week. I guess I just need to accept the ebb and flow of how things go and try to relax about it. I could be a lot more relaxed about everything if my house would stay clean though. I really need a housekeeper! The flylady is wonderful but I think I am too ADD/spacey to establish routines. I've been a member of her email group for a couple of years and have only established a couple of morning routines. Maybe if I stick with the program for another 10 years?

We still haven't gotten back to the KONOS curriculum book and have been working hard on the basics. I think maybe we should set aside 1 day a week for just KONOS? I don't know. I've struggled with trying to schedule it all in the entire time we've been homeschooling. The entire time. I still haven't come up with a way to get everything done. The housework slides. The library books are overdue. I find myself work, work, working and not taking any time to enjoy my life at all. I need to stop and smell the roses and play a game with the kids or something. Last night, we did do some Mad-Libs which are a lot of fun. Today, I haven't done anything remotely fun all day and I'm starting to feel sorry for myself and whine (sorry readers!). I think I may take a nice bubble bath and read a book as soon as I finish this 8 minute internal medicine consult I was just assigned. (It's 10:00 at night and I'm still working!)

Remember that old commercial where the lady said "Calgon, take me away?" Calgon, are you still there?


  1. Anonymous11:19 PM

    It's okay to whine to me. I have whined also, that's why we are here!!
    Take your bath, relax and enjoy your book!! (What are you reading??) You need and deserve it. You are doing alot right now.
    I know how hard this all is!! I am right there with you. Forget the housework...try to have the kids help (LOL) if they are like my's more work with them helping :) I tried to do flylady also, but never found time to read all the emails!!
    Since our time with our children goes by so quickly...just remember you are doing wonderful with and for them!!
    Tomorrow will be a much better day.

  2. I am feeling your pain today as well. Today I counted up that I had "schooled," for 12 hours! How is that possible?! Well, after I homeschooled the son, the daughter gets off the bus, and has homework. Then we have Brownie projects and bible lessons to get ready, and I have a Bible Class to teach! You do the MATH, CAUSE' I SURE DON'T WANT TO!
    I ended my day wondering why I was feeling so distressed, and decided it was because I hadn't had one original thought of my own all day! waah!

  3. I first saved this post as a draft, then decided to actually post it, then came back a couple of hours later to delete it because it was so whiney and I found these wonderful comments from you all. Thanks. It's nice to be understood.

  4. Anonymous7:47 AM

    I think Calgon, Culligan Man, Mr. Clean and the Tidy Bowl Man are all on a spiritual retreat together. *Wink*

  5. Anonymous9:00 AM

    We use a checklist instead of schedule with times. I've had to tell my boys that they *have* to get everything on the checklist finished before they play, or they don't get it done before midnight.
    I've been thinking about doing Mad-Libs with the boys for the past couple of days, but I don't know where I put those books! lol

  6. Perri - I can't believe I'm someone's inspiration, because I feel so inadequate most of the time, but thanks for saying so. You made my day!

    Funky-Redhead - I know exactly what it is like not to have an original thought all day! It's so difficult, isn't it?

    Lisa - LoL!

    Lynn - Mad libs are so much fun, aren't they?
