Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A break?

We haven't done any schoolwork this week. Of course, as I type this, it is only Tuesday, but still, we should have at least 1 day down. We got a late start this morning, took my daughter to get her cast off (yay!)and haven't done too much of anything else since. I'm thinking we may take tomorrow to get some things organized around here and heck, we might even go ahead and take fall break this week. I guess I need to decide that sometime before tomorrow afternoon ...


  1. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Sorry about your spill! Glad to hear you are feeling better, and that your daughter's cast came off! *Yay*

    A fall break... Rosie tried! I told her should would get one the week of Thanksgiving! *LOL*

  2. Anonymous9:07 AM

    I'm so happy for her that the cast is gone!
    I haven't decided when we're taking Fall break yet.

  3. Somehow, I thought I could hear children in the background chanting... "Break!,Break!,Break!"

  4. They were, but they can't completely have their way can they?
    LoL. I think they're having fun today even if we are 'doing school'.
