Thursday, September 14, 2006

My Iced Tea Habit.

I'm trying to lose weight and part of that includes trying to give up my iced tea habit. I have been drinking 4-5 glasses of sweet, wonderful iced tea each day. As of yesterday, I cut that down to 1 with the intent of going down to 0. It has been very hard on me. I'm starting to drink water instead which, of course, is very healthy and very tasteless. Still, I need to do it. Sigh.


  1. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Good for you! You might try not giving up your iced tea all together but narrow it down to one a day and drink water the rest then you don't have to worry about "falling off the wagon" later when you have a craving for sweet tea. Check out sparkpeople when you get a's free and the support is awesome!

  2. I agree with Eliza... Good for you!

  3. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Crystal light decaffeintaed iced tea!

    I drink 2 cups of water in the morning. 2 with lunch. 2 with dinner. I also drink other non-alcoholic items but if your goal is to get water in, that is my "do to".
