Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Linc's Bad Day, episode III.

Our cat Linc leads a wildly exciting life. He has gotten his entire head stuck in a ziplock bag and got stuck in a tree before and I have blogged about him. This time, he got a hematoma in his ear, which means that his ear blew up like a balloon and he had to go to the vet for surgery. Now he has a permanently droopy ear. He's still very handsome, I think.


  1. He looks like a bit of a scoundrel to me. He is a handsome kitty, though! Our kitty, Nutter Butter, is more like a little orange rug. :o/

  2. Oh my gosh! Poor Linc. I feel bad that his picture makes me giggle!

  3. Poor Linc! It does give him "character", though. ;)
