Monday, September 11, 2006

Just a quick update.

My daughter broke her left arm, again. It's only been a few months since the last time. Technically, that time, it was her hand and this time, it is her forearm, both bones. The kids were playing a game involving jumping over a string and she jumped, tripped and fell. Consequently, I did not get to work as much as I wanted to last night, because we were in the ER. Tomorrow she gets a cast on and I guess we'll just go from there. We need to do school tomorrow, so I guess she'll be doing it one-handed.

I'm going to let the kids pick our next Konos unit and depending on what it is, we may start it tomorrow. If I need to gather a lot of books and materials, we'll wait a couple of days. We could use extra work on the 3Rs anyway.

One of our lizards (green anoles) shed it's skin today and it was pretty creepy looking. We've recently acquired the lizards and the two of them and the live crickets that the eat have taken up residence in oldest son's bedroom.

Other than that, things are going along here in the usual crazy way.

1 comment:

  1. Omgosh! I hope she heals quickly! Poor girl!

    We started out with anoles. Now we have a leopard gecko and a bearded dragon. :)
