Monday, August 07, 2006

My Social Calendar.

My social calendar was a bit too full this weekend. A wedding, a baby shower and a birthday party in 1 weekend were just too much. The birthday party was very small, just "cake at grandmas" which is what my kids almost always choose now that they've been given a birthday budget, as it is the cheapest option. Grandma bakes cakes for free!

Anyway, I'm looking forward to a few days of not dressing up and not doing too much of anything. We're going to the pool today, but I intend to lounge around and not do much.

I have been looking at my KONOS book and doing some planning, which for me includes jotting down library books to look for and materials to gather, but not too much else. I tend to just check things off in the book as we do them so that will be pretty easy. I will take some time later to type up an elaborate schedule that we'll follow faithfully for about 2 days and then forget about... okay, maybe we'll last a couple of weeks this time.

1 comment:

  1. I've given up on schedules, at least with times written on them. It works better for us to just write down everything that needs to be done, and then check it off as we go.
    Have fun at the pool! You deserve some down time! ;)
