Monday, July 24, 2006

Where's the T?

On the post below, I left out the T in printables, making it prinables. I'm leaving it as it is, as a reminder that we all make mistakes. Even though I type for a living, as a medical transcriptionist, I still leave letters out (and worse!). Fortunately, the person who invented the software program that I work in for my job, built in an automatic spellcheck at the end, which is a very good idea. Now I only have to really watch myself for those mistakes that the spellchecker won't catch, like the one I almost do, all the time; "die" for "diet" and the opposite, "diet" for "die". This interchange of words can make for some very funny sentences. I once typed "The patient was feeling very depressed and stated 'I want to diet.'" Not funny for the patient (whom I hope is feeling much better now), but funny for me, because I hate diets! The other really goofy typo I make is sometimes typing the word "head" for "headache". I'm not sure why I do this but it does make some hilarous sentences as in "The patient came into the ER claiming that she has had a head for 3 days."

Anyway, mistakes happen. We're still not back to school yet, so no homeschool news at this time.


  1. Yuppers... die is diet without the t! *LOL*

  2. I am so used to typos on the family site that we have. I didn't even notice you left out the "t" until you pointed it out! LOL
