Monday, July 10, 2006

Still no planning ...

I just haven't done it. Not even in pencil. I really can't decide what to do with my oldest son, curriculum-wise, and until I decide that, I don't want to decide what to do with the younger two kids. I would kind of like to coordinate their units somewhat, but that seems like it would take so much energy ... so anyway, its not done. This time last year, I felt so good about homeschooling. We were reading Swiss Family Robinson and getting a bunch of the reading for the next unit done and feeling really energized ... but this year, no such thing. We're reading (as usual) Hank the Cowdog and making no plans. Sigh. Maybe this week.


  1. My kids LOVE Hank the cowdog!
    I am absolutely horrible on planning, I usually just end up writing down what we did at the end of the day.

  2. i have a 12 year old that i have no idea what i am going to do with him,
