Saturday, July 15, 2006

Little Dude!

The other night, we were the last ones to leave the pool locker room. My daughter was still changing. My 8-year-old was finished changing. He had gone in the women's locker room with us since my oldest son was not with us that night. Suddenly the lights in the locker room went off. I told my youngest to go let the lifeguards know that we were still there, so they wouldn't lock us in. Instead of going and actually telling them, he just stuck his head out the door and looked at them. I heard one of the lifeguards say, "There's a little dude still in here!" and then I heard someone else say "Oops, I turned off the lights!" The lights came back on just as my daughter finished up and we all three walked out. One of the lifeguards said "Whew! Little dude has a family!" They thought that he was all alone in there, I guess. LoL.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! That sounds like my oldest and his friends talking!
