Thursday, June 29, 2006

You could poke an eye out!

Remember hearing this from your mom when you were a kid? I guess I haven't said it enough to my kids because my youngest, yesterday, was playing with a stick and poked himself in the eye. He had 2 lacerations to his cornea. Today, 3 doctor's office visits and $60.00 in co-pays later, he's better, but he has to have drops in his eyes and avoid swimming for several days, which he is not happy about. Still, I think he got off easy when I think about how bad it could have been.

Last night, he had to lie still as much as possible, with both of his eyes closed (one was patched) which is not easy for him, so we picked up an audiobook of Hank the Cowdog at the library and got a Mad Libs book at the grocery. Hank the Cowdog is wonderful for that 7 year old sense of humor and the Mad Libs book which was a Worst Case Scenario book was hilarous so he actually didn't have too bad of a time.

Anyway, hopefully we'll all be back to normal in a few days.


  1. Poor little guy! Hope his eye heals soon!

  2. Omgosh! Poor fella! I hope he's feeling better!
