Sunday, June 04, 2006

Various Things.

My two boys have a toy called Scannerz. I don't think it is even being produced anymore, but it is a really cool game. It's a handheld electronic thing that scans UPC codes off of items around your home. When the boy scans one, he either gets a monster or an item like a crystal ball or lightning staff or finds an enemy and has to fight it right then. It is fun and keeps them occupied. They spend a lot of time in the pantry looking for new items and monsters. Occasionally, they end up making hilarious comments like "There's life in the toilet paper" or "The broom has a lightning staff" It's been very entertaining this week.

Our broom has been like a lightning staff this week. We've been cleaning for our homestudy home walk through. I've had a work deadline today and the homestudy visit tomorrow so that it's been a very busy week. The good news is we finally did the spring cleaning! Maybe I'll get to see some loved ones outside my immediate family again starting tomorrow. Whew!

My youngest son and my husband had an interesting conversation today about a contest that the kids were having. I didn't catch what the contest was about, but they discussed the prizes in great detail. One prize was a quarter and and one that sticks in my mind was the seventh prize. If you came in seventh, you got to kick the person who came in eigth, LoL.

It seems like I'm turning into a once a week blogger, but I'll try to do a little better. It's just been very busy around here.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting prizes! Bwahaha! Too bad they don't make this game any more. Pipsqueak would love it! LOL!
