Thursday, June 22, 2006


The rainbow on the previous post is pretty symbolic of what I've been doing lately, LoL. I've been looking at the Rainbow Resource catalog that came in the mail the other day. For homeschooling moms, this is fun stuff, trust me. I've been trying to figure out what I need to use with the kids next year. I got the test results back and both of the kids I tested are a little behind in math so this is going to be our math catch-up year. Actually, my oldest has been trying to catch up for a while and he's made progress, but he's got a little bit further to go. I'm looking at still using the Key To ... series with the oldest but I'm not sure about middle girl. What to do, what to do, hmmm. I guess I need more time in the catalog!


  1. WAH! I still haven't gotten mine!
    A watched mailbox never gets a catalog? Hey, it works for the pot doesn't it? LOL!

  2. I've had mine maybe a week? Maybe you should call them?!

  3. I spent so much time looking through my Sonlight catalog when it came in that a couple of my kids thought it was an actual magazine! lol
