Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Linc's Big Adventures - Episode III

I've written about our cat Linc a few times. The first adventure he had that I wrote about was the time he got into the garbage and got his head stuck in a ziplock bag. The second adventure he had was when he got himself stuck for several hours in a tree so tall even the fire department probably couldn't have gotten him out. He was way up there. This week, he had another adventure. He got curious about the inside of the van when my daughter went out there to get something and she inadvertantly closed him inside. He spent the night in the van and was finally liberated by my husband in the morning. Unfortunately, there is no litter box in the van and the next day, it smelled awful. I cleaned it out and then cleaned the van carpet and seats with white vinegar (which my best friend says will get out the odor of cat pee). Now my van has a really, um, distinctive smell which I hope will go away soon, the smell of pee and vinegar ... lovely.


  1. Oh, poor kitty! Good thing it was at night and not during the day!
    I hope the vinegar works, and it clears up quickly!

  2. Yes, fortunately, it was cool that night!
